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Constitutum Sandus

Through the work of the Dharma and of that of the People, this Constitution of the Barony of Sandus shall serve the Baron, its People and its Home. In times of peace and of war, this document shall be the sole legal document of the Barony of Sandus, able to be amended and changed through the Orders of the Baron and through the Amendments of the People. In the responsibility of keeping order and peace throughout the nation, this document invests its powers within the Baron and within the People to keep and maintain such order and power within the Barony of Sandus. All additions and amendments to this Constitution shall be recorded and maintained.

By the power of the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Dakhinis, Deities of all Realms, and the Spirits of Bardö: May the power invested within this Constitutum Sandus be kept and maintained by those listed. May Holy Chenrezig – in times of war – remind us of compassion; may Holy Amitabha create us wise and keep us from suffering; and may Holy Amitayus keep our nation, so that it does not fall into ruin & despair and collapse.

Section One. Formation of Government.[]

The Monarchy[]

Article One[]

The Government of Sandus shall be headed by the Baron of Sandus.

Article Two[]

The Baron of Sandus shall have sole authority over Sandus, shall have the authority to preside over the Citizens’ Council in times of war and emergency, and the regular roles of:

  • Presiding over the Courts of Sandus.
  • Hearing and enacting Law in the Legislature.
  • The Passing of Laws.
  • Declaring war, statements, state events, et cetera.
  • Sanctioning a nation, organization or people.
  • Allowing the passage of foreign Citizens in to, out of and around Sandus.
  • Should at any time the Citizens’ Council passes or vetoes a bill, the Baron may revise and pass the bill or veto the bill after the Central Board passes said bill.

Article Three[]

The Baron of Sandus shall be the head justice, the head diplomat, and head minister of all the ministries of the Citizens’ Council of Sandus.

Article Four[]

Should the Baron of Sandus die in office, retire, resign or abdicate, for the continuation of the Monarchy, the closest relative, attendant or advisor to the Monarch shall become the Baron or Baroness of Sandus.

Article Five[]

The Baron shall be given the authority to amend and add additions to this constitution by ways of orders of the Baron, which he shall designate as constitutional amendments or additions.

The Legislature :: “The Citizens’ Council”[]

Article One[]

The Citizens’ Council’s job is to advice the Baron on the wishes of the People and Citizens. The Citizens’ Council is to be officials and enforce the law.

Article Two[]

The Ministries of the Citizens’ Council shall be headed by ministers who are appointed and elected by the Citizens’ Council.

Article Three[]

The Citizens’ Council shall be divided into two houses, one with more authority and the other with less. The lower house shall be known as the General Assembly of the Citizens’ Council of Sandus. The upper house shall be known as the Central Board. The roles of both unified houses – known as the Citizens’ Council – are:

  • To draft laws.
  • To create ministries, committees or boards.
  • To assist in the reconstruction after major destructive events.

Article Four[]

The Citizens’ Council’s General Assembly shall be run by citizens. Any citizen may join the General Assembly via registration to join the General Assembly.

  • Any criminal or felon will be suspended from the General Assembly until the Baron allows said criminal or felon return to the General Assembly.
  • The General Assembly shall discuss a resolution, draft the bill for said resolution and pass a vote in order to send said bill to the Central Board.
  • The General Assembly shall enforce laws passed by the government of Sandus.

Article Five[]

The Citizens’ Council’s Central Board shall be headed by the Nobles and Elected Officials.

  • The Nobles shall be appointed by the Baron of Sandus while Elected Officials shall be elected by the national populous of Sandus.
  • The Central Board shall receive bills from the General Assembly and shall either revise and pass the bills or veto said bill.
  • The Central Board will be lowest court of law of Sandus, with at least one noble presiding over each Manor, and will create trials in order to enforce the laws of Sandus. One Noble of each Manor shall be given the directive to run the local policing force; whereas one Noble of the entire Barony of Sandus shall be given directive of the national policing force.
  • The Central Board’s elected officials shall be elected depending on the census of each manor and shall be elected by the people therein of each said manor.
  • The Central Board shall be divided into two rooms:
  • The Honour Room shall be created for those who are appointed by the Baron and awarded the Noble title of Sandus. It shall be used by the Nobles in order to perform their duties.
  • The Commons Room shall be created for those who are elected by the national populous of Sandus. It shall be used by the elected officials in order to perform their duties.
  • The Central Board may request or schedule an event in order to meet with the General Assembly.

Article Six[]

The Citizens’ Council shall be given land in order to meet in their branches, respectfully, and the Room of Citizens shall be created in order to hold events in which the various branches and ministries of the Citizens’ Council, foreign dignitaries, and the Baron of Sandus shall meet to discuss, listen to plans by the Baron, and speeches from foreign dignitaries.

Article Seven[]

The divisions of land are required in order to hold censuses, held every two weeks, so that the population is respectfully represented in the Commons Room of the Central Board. The largest division shall be known as “Domus”, meaning Manor, which shall be divided into “Countius”, meaning County. Respectfully, the Noble which shall rule a Domus will be known as “Dominus”, or Lord; and the Noble which shall rule a Countius will be known as “Countus”, or Count.

Religion and Language of Sandus[]

Article One[]

Sandus shall offer freedom of religion and language to all citizens. All citizens will be free to practice their faith and their culture within Sandus.

Article Two[]

The Religion of the State and Monarchy can be changed via amendments; the state’s religions at this time are Iroqakine and Tibetan Buddhism. The Baron can change the state religion at anytime, and the Citizens’ Council can amend this section should the People of Sandus desire to add or rid a religion.

Article Three[]

The Language of the State and Monarchy can be changed via amendments. The Languages of Sandus are Sandum Latina, Sanktckiy, French, Russian and English. Sandum Latina, Sanktckiy, and French are official languages of Sandus; whereas Russian and English are recognized languages. Languages can be amended by the Baron and the Citizens’ Council.

Article Four[]

The government of Sandus shall not discriminate against any religion or culture which is subject to Sandum rule.

Ministries of the Government[]

Article One[]

The Ministry of Defense is hereby created in order to ensure the protection, security and safety of the lives of all beings of Sandus.

  • The Land Defense Force is hereby created in order to protect the land, territory, and control of all territorial claims of Sandus and all citizens and residents therein.
  • The Naval Defense Force is hereby created in order to protect the sea, marine claims and control thereof under the jurisdiction of Sandus and all citizens and residents therein.
  • The Coast Guard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Naval Defense Force. Their duty is to ensure the safety and security of all aerial and naval vessels on the frontiers of Sandus.
  • The Air Defense Force is hereby created in order to protect the air, airspace and aviation endeavours of all Sandum citizens and residents herein.
  • The National Police Force is hereby created in order to protect the citizens and residents of the domestic area of Sandus.
  • The regional police forces of Sandus are hereby under the central jurisdiction of the National Police Force. In times of urgency, all agents and officers of regional police forces, should it be required for the safety and security of lives and residents shall take orders from their higher-ranked officers in the National Police Force, respectively.

Article Two[]

The Ministry of Life is hereby created to ensure humane living conditions of all Sandum citizens. Such Bureaus shall come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Life:

  • The Bureau of Health and Services shall ensure the humane living conditions of animals and humans in various structures and shall ensure the well-being, safety and security of all beings which live in all structures within Sandus. It shall be given the ability to set building regulations.
  • The Bureau of Electricity, Heating & Cooling shall regulate the safety and security of heating equipment, cooling equipment and the transportation of Electricity from producer to consumer.
  • The Bureau of the Economy shall regulate the various state-owned companies of Sandus which have been created to ensure the prosperity and social security of Sandus.
  • The Bureau of the Treasury shall mint and forge the money of Sandus, regulate how much money is in circulation and protect the economy from counterfeiting.

Article Three[]

The Ministry of the Census and Labour is hereby created to ensure that the population of Sandus is represented accordingly in the Citizens’ Council and to help the labourers of Sandus. The Bureaus of this Ministry are as follows:

  • The Bureau of the Census shall conduct censuses every two weeks to ensure that all citizens and residents of Sandus are represented accordingly in the Central Board of the Citizens’ Council. In times of emergency or urgency, a special census may be conducted which shall be issued by the Baron.
  • The Bureau of Labour shall regulate the work hours, working conditions and pay for all labourers within Sandus. It shall supply financial aid to all unemployed persons within Sandus. In times of emergency or urgency, all unemployed labourers who are receiving financial aid from this Bureau may come under the jurisdiction of specific offices created for various tasks which shall be instructed by the Baron or the Central Board of the Citizens’ Council.

Article Four[]

The Ministry of the Environment is hereby created to ensure the conditions of all agricultural workers and labourers, to ensure the security and safety of the Sandum environment and set goals and plans to battle various afflictions to Sandum environment.

  • The Bureau of Agriculture is hereby created for the safety, security and prosperity of the jobs of all agricultural workers of Sandus. The Bureau of Agriculture shall regulate the various chemical objects used by said workers and labourers to ensure the safety of the environment and of the general populous of Sandus.
  • The Bureau of Environmental Protection is hereby created for the safety, security and prosperity of the environment of Sandus.

Article Five:The Ministry of Emergency and Disaster shall be created in order to predict various urgent and emergency events. The various bureaus of the Ministry of Emergency shall be:

  • The Bureau of Environmental Emergency & Disaster shall be used in events of an environmental disaster which is natural or which is the production of industry. Such disasters, for example, include blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and pollution.
  • The Bureau of Terrorism shall be used in events where the domestic territory is under attack or thrown into turmoil by insurgents, terrorist organizations, terrorists, extremists, etc. It shall be given the authority to prevent such attacks, prepare for such attacks, and – should an attack be successfully carried out – to clean up after the effects of such attack. This Bureau shall also ensure the political, domestic and social security of Sandus.
  • The Bureau of Domestic Disasters shall be used in events where accidental, unpredicted disasters happen and can affect the neighboring populous. It shall be given the authority to clean up after domestic disasters, enforce building codes, and transport injured residents of Sandus.

Article Six[]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be created in order to expand relations, alliances and amity to foreign nations and peoples. It shall be created in order to send delegates to foreign nations and international organizations, to enter into relations with foreign nations and become members of international organizations, and to create treaties, deals and cooperation between Sandus and such foreign nations.

Section Two. The Rights and Duties of Citizens.[]

Article One[]

The citizens of Sandus shall be able to openly voice their opinions without fear of punishment by law or government.

Article Two[]

The citizens of Sandus shall be able to attend a trial with a trial made of their peers, with an attorney of law, and will be given humane treatment. Sentences of a crime or felony shall not be inhumane, on pain of death, or strange.

Article Three[]

The citizens of Sandus shall be able to practice their religious beliefs or faiths with the only exception being inhumane treatment of all beings.

Article Four[]

The citizens of Sandus shall be subject to an economy owned and run by the state.

  • Should one person or many people wish to form a company or any other sort of economic institution, it must be affirmed by the Government of Sandus and the Baron.
  • Sandus under the Barony shall be a socialist economy, meaning all companies, institutions and trade shall be owned by the government. Any person who wishes to form an economic endeavor will be regarded as an official of the Sandum government and shall become an official of his own office in the Ministry of Life, Bureau of the Economy, in the Office of Institutions.

Article Five[]

All Sandum residents of citizens shall be given the right of becoming members of the Citizens’ Council.

Article Six[]

All firearms shall be banned from Sandus, should any firearm be found on a person within Sandus: the firearm shall be confiscated and shall be used for the Sandum defense forces.

Article Seven[]

Any citizen who shall support the enemy, demoralize the populous, spread propaganda in support the enemy and conduct paramilitary operations against Sandus during the time of war shall be marked a traitor to Sandus.

Article Eight[]

The display of any National Socialist, Fascist or Racist symbol within the domestic jurisdiction of Sandus is a mark of rebellion against the monarchy of Sandus, treason to Sandus and disrespectful to the millions of dead as a result of such forces; and shall be regarded as illegal.

Article Nine[]

The offense of assault, armed battery, premeditated murder and the conspiring to commit murder are crimes within Sandus which can not exceed the punishment of exile.

Article Ten[]

An illegal action against any law in Sandus may exceed a fine and may not exceed torture, death, or painful physical action.

Article Eleven[]

During times of war, the Baron may sign orders to draft citizens of Sandus.

Section Three. Foreign Affairs.[]

Article One[]

The Barony of Sandus shall not enter or keep relations with nations which:

  • Do not have a fixed population.
  • Have no legitimate territorial claim.
  • Do not have the ability to enter into foreign relations.
  • Promote racist, fascist or national socialist agendas.
  • Have aggressive policies.
  • Sentence citizens to death or impose strange punishments to any crimes in a brutal manor.

Article Two[]

The Barony of Sandus shall recognize de facto every nation it hears of until the Baron of Sandus issues a de jure withdrawal of recognition.

Article Three[]

The Baron of Sandus shall be the head diplomat of the Barony of Sandus and shall be able to send officials and ambassadors to foreign nations to form relations and to keep such relations via embassies, consulates and treaties.
