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My fellow micronationalists, today I’m going to talk about some myths about the Intermicronational Conservative alliance, presuming that these are still going around. This month, Parker and I have worked hard for peace in this community, but it seems that certain leftists don’t want this, they are still their blaming us for this mess. I will make some good points on to view at and wash away this ignorance:

Myth #1: The ICA wants to destroy Communism and Socialism

False. The ICA doesn’t want to destroy Communism and Socialism, but wants them to be diminished, so conservatism can grow in this community.

Myth #2: The ICA isn't Libertarian

False. The ICA is more libertarian than any leftist state in the community.

Myth #4: The ICA started it

False. The ICA never started the ideological argument, Sandus did. However somehow the ICA gets critiqued for starting it. Though this isn’t the first time that Sandus has created a shake in the community, they never get many nations attacking them.

Myth #5: The ICA is only attacked because they attack others

False The ICA is attacked because it defends itself.

Myth #6: The ICA is Facist, Nazi and Social Darwinist

False. We have been called Fascists, Nazi’s, Social Darwinists multiple times by leftists. These attackers were never able to prove their accusations. To all who call us fascists, you're dictatorial Stalinists, who we consider even worse than Fascists.

Myth #7: The ICA won't reach a peaceful solution

False. The ICA doesn't want war. The only one of our opponents who was willing to talk it over was the Erusian government, other leftist states and purple governments have criticized us for nothing, even when there was peace. These attacks made the situation to begin all over (Specifically the St. Charlie Observer, which seems like it can only criticize others).

Myth #8: Charles I attacked leftists personally

False. Many leftists attacked Charles I personally. His paper did attack Communism as a whole, but Charles I did not attack any one person, in fact he commended his opponents.

Final Remarks

I hate appeasement politics and I am not afraid to uncover all the weak and undemocratic issues of all those nations, Yes I’m asking for peace, but then the lefties must stop attacking. If they don't I’m going defensive and offensive.

Parker I will reply to Mister Lethler soon.

Left doesnt work, right does,

Bradley of Dullahan Intermicronational,

Conservative Alliance Vice-Chairmen/Secretery-General

(Parker I contributed to this essay)
